Undergraduate Support

With the growing success of our expanding access and outreach activity, inevitably the demand for bursary and hardship support increases.

For example, five years ago, 65 students received undergraduate bursaries at Keble. Now that figure is 99 across 26 subjects (of which 65 are full bursary holders), that is just under 21% of current undergraduates. Over 100 students received grants last year for materials, equipment, research, travel grants with an emphasis upon humanitarian travel purposes, arts grants and internships/work experience.

This year, £228k was raised from donations for undergraduate bursary support, and a total of £32.3k was received in support of student hardship.

Tom Bartles-Smith, 2020 Geography

Having been a recipient of financial support for my whole time at Oxford, this has given me the chance to fully embrace everything which Keble and the broader university has to offer. Without the concern of paying the bills, I have been able to fully focus on my studies which I hope to continue past my undergraduate degree as well as maintain a strong social life, partake in societies and fully enjoy one of the most beautiful cities in the country. I've truly felt at home in Keble in a way I once thought a northern lad who grew up on free school meals like me never could.

In November 2022 we held a special event at the Warden’s Lodgings to thank donors to bursaries, and provide an opportunity for some of the bursary recipients to meet the supporters. A number of students spoke about their experience at Keble, and what a difference the financial support had made to them, and then donors and students ate together in Hall. We believe it is important to offer both students and donors the chance to meet, should they wish to, and are delighted to make this an annual event in our calendar.

Ali Rogers, Senior Tutor

“These are very difficult times for many of our students and it’s heartening to see the Keble community respond with such great generosity. This extra support can make a real difference to students at a critical time in their lives.”

This year, donations towards Student Hardship supported a new scheme to specifically support undergraduate students impacted by the cost of living crisis and increasing food costs.

It is estimated that UK food prices will have risen c44% between January 2022 and April 2024.

Including a further rise in MT2023, Keble will have put up prices in Hall by 26% over that period (the College will absorb some of these costs, but we have to pass on some of the cost to the students).

The aim of the targeted funding is to help support students who are in receipt of a bursary by giving them sufficient funds to cover the cost of 3 meals every week. We want to enable them to come into Hall and join their friends over meals as much as possible. Our aim is to be able to fund 1 free day of meals per week of term, for all three terms for all students on a bursary (currently c90).

Just over £32k has been raised so far for this fund in our March Giving Day, but we are seeking further donations to fund the current and incoming students on bursaries.

Talbot Fund Donor

“I am donating to Keble’s bursary scheme because it is the best way to combine my wish to honour my late husband’s memory and my wish to ensure that bright people can access an Oxford education even if they do not have the resources to do so.”